* mm_menu 20mar2002 version 6.0
* andy finnell, march 2002
* copyright (c) 2000-2002 macromedia, inc.
* based on menu.js
* by gary smith, july 1997
* copyright (c) 1997-1999 netscape communications corp.
* netscape grants you a royalty free license to use or modify this
* software provided that this copyright notice appears on all copies.
* this software is provided "as is," without a warranty of any kind.
function menu(label, mw, mh, fnt, fs, fclr, fhclr, bg, bgh, halgn, valgn, pad, space, to, sx, sy, srel, opq, vert, idt, aw, ah)
this.version = "020320 [menu; mm_menu.js]";
this.type = "menu";
this.menuwidth = mw;
this.menuitemheight = mh;
this.fontsize = fs;
this.fontweight = "plain";
this.fontfamily = fnt;
this.fontcolor = fclr;
this.fontcolorhilite = fhclr;
this.bgcolor = "#555555";
this.menuborder = 1;
this.menuitemborder = 1;
this.menuitemindent = idt;
this.menuitembgcolor = bg;
this.menuitemvalign = valgn;
this.menuitemhalign = halgn;
this.menuitempadding = pad;
this.menuitemspacing = space;
this.menulitebgcolor = "#ffffff";
this.menuborderbgcolor = "#777777";
this.menuhilitebgcolor = bgh;
this.menucontainerbgcolor = "#cccccc";
this.childmenuicon = "arrows.gif";
this.submenuxoffset = sx;
this.submenuyoffset = sy;
this.submenurelativetoitem = srel;
this.vertical = vert;
this.items = new array();
this.actions = new array();
this.childmenus = new array();
this.hideonmouseout = true;
this.hidetimeout = to;
this.addmenuitem = addmenuitem;
this.writemenus = writemenus;
this.mm_showmenu = mm_showmenu;
this.onmenuitemover = onmenuitemover;
this.onmenuitemaction = onmenuitemaction;
this.hidemenu = hidemenu;
this.hidechildmenu = hidechildmenu;
if (!window.menus) window.menus = new array();
this.label = " " + label;
window.menus[this.label] = this;
window.menus[window.menus.length] = this;
if (!window.activemenus) window.activemenus = new array();
function addmenuitem(label, action) {
this.items[this.items.length] = label;
this.actions[this.actions.length] = action;
function find(item) {
if( window.mmisopera ) return(document.getelementbyid(item));
if (document.all) return(document.all[item]);
if (document.getelementbyid) return(document.getelementbyid(item));
function writemenus(container) {
if (window.triedtowritemenus) return;
var agt = navigator.useragent.tolowercase();
window.mmisopera = agt.indexof("opera") != -1;
if (!container && document.layers) {
window.delaywritemenus = this.writemenus;
var timer = settimeout('delaywritemenus()', 500);
container = new layer(100);
} else if (document.all || document.haschildnodes || window.mmisopera) {
container = find("menucontainer");
window.mmhidemenutimer = null;
if (!container) return;
window.triedtowritemenus = true;
container.iscontainer = true;
container.menus = new array();
for (var i=0; i